Why this whole hate?
Jesus said we had to love each other
Join us with each other
Our time on this earth is ending
I do not understand that
But my eyes are full
Full of courage
With my hands bleeding and hurting
But I'll succeed
I will undermine this whole repression
They do not know me
Their problem started now
Who is at the forefront of this revolution?
All of us who want to bring down this wall
This is part of me that you did not know
Come on
Pick up shovels, bricks and cement
With my eyes full of tears
I can only see the pain
Whips and guns on my back
I have to be strong for everyone
But this wall is too high for me to climb
But who says I will not survive?
I'm going to fight all this shit
I'm going to be the revolution of my country
I'll roll, fall and grate
But victory will be certain
And no wall will be so tall
I'll be able to knock this tall wall down
Bring down this high wall
I'll call all the helpers
This service will be done today
Even if we've been trying for 5 years
But let's knock this wall down
I do not take no for an answer
I know we can do it
Let's transform
I can climb this all
We are angels of the country
This president will not bring us down
We are in charge more than he
We control everything here
Let's go ahead
With my eyes full of tears
I can only see the pain
Whips and guns on my back
I have to be strong for everyone
But this wall is too high for me to climb
But who says I will not survive?
I'm going to fight all this shit
I'm going to be the revolution of my country
I'll roll, fall and grate
But victory will be certain
And no wall will be so tall
I'll be able to knock this tall wall down
Bring down this high wall
Have faith
We're going to break free
Everyone will write our stories
Because we will be remembered by the people
Let's start to work
In these little things
Let's act only with our muscles
With my eyes full of tears
I can only see the pain
Whips and guns on my back
I have to be strong for everyone
But this wall is too high for me to climb
But who says I will not survive?
I'm going to fight all this shit
I'm going to be the revolution of my country
I'll roll, fall and grate
But victory will be certain
And no wall will be so tall
I'll be able to knock this tall wall down
Bring down this high wall