They’ll stare right through me
and I could run as fast as I can
but I’ll just act as I wish
I just don’t care
couldn’t care anymore
you can’t deem me as a phantom
if I already feel so ghostly empty
I feel so see-through
when I walk down the street
my anxiety is so holy
just like the mane of my cock
I just don’t care
couldn’t care anymore
no, I just don’t
I believe in god and god is I
and I don’t know what I want,
all I know is that I hate what I got
and to outrun these herds of a thousand eyes
I’ll have to keep reminding myself that I truly
just don’t care
couldn’t care anymore
about them
or you
and though I’m my own god
I can’t seem to know much more than he does on this—
this egoism of feeling closely vetted
of what’s to come out of my insanity
but I’ll nonchalantly turn my back
even if it takes being the king of the ritz
I’ll just know I traded it all in for an Infinite life