I don't like to wear my freedom on my sleeves
in linen, silk, or gold
Being this free comes from the art of my instability
I’m a bird that wasn’t born in a cage
most people think flying is an illness
they’re free to fly but just wouldn’t
and if they decide to do so, everyone is to know
because it’s different to them
and to everyone around them
but no one needs to know so much about who I am if I’m already an embodiment of myself—
I’ve been true to myself and everyone sees it, I’m free
and nothing materializes my liberty
not clothes
not the open waters of the sea
not an emphasis on my freewill
because it’s clear as day
as to who and what I stand for
I believe in us,
I believe in you
the metaphysical I
I believe in everyone
I believe, regardless
I believe in everyone